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Is Burping a Sign of Ulcer?

Nicks J
Continuous mild to moderate pain in the abdomen followed by nausea and loss of appetite are some of the symptoms of ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract. Burping too can indicate presence of ulcers but frequent burping alone is not the only criteria to diagnose ulcer problems.
Gastrointestinal ulcers are open infections that damage the mucus layer lining the stomach and the intestine. Ulcers are classified depending upon where they occur.
Gastric ulcers affect the stomach, whereas peptic ulcers are seen in the small intestine. Burping can occur as a consequence of ulcer formation but the doctor also checks for other symptoms to confirm whether ulcers are present in the gastrointestinal tract.
In most cases, Helicobacter pylori infection causes development of ulcers. The bacteria erode the mucus lining, which leads to the formation of hole-shaped ulcers. Excessive use of NSAIDs, alcohol, and heavy smoking are some of the other causes of ulcers.

Is Burping a Sign of Ulcer?

Ulcers in the stomach or intestine are likely to cause burping. However, burping alone cannot indicate the presence of ulcers. Indigestion also gives rise to persistent burping. So it would be foolish to assume that the person is having stomach ulcers only on the basis of burps. Of the many ulcer symptoms, burping is one of them.
Ulcers typically cause abdominal pain that usually occurs intermittently. This abdominal discomfort worsens on an empty stomach and reduces considerably after meals. Also, the pattern of burping associated with peptic or stomach ulcers is different from the one that we usually experience.
It is loud and doesn't stop even after trying all sorts of burping remedies. This kind of involuntary burping is simply annoying and to add to the patient's woes, stomach bloating may also occur.

Why Burping Occurs?

As we all know, burping is a way of getting rid of the excess gas accumulated in the stomach. During meals, along with food, air also goes inside the stomach. In order to release air containing gases likes nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and oxygen, we burp.
Also soft drinks contain a high amount of carbon dioxide and so we often burp loudly after consuming these beverages. Gas producing bacteria are already present in our stomach but due to H. pylori bacteria that cause ulcers, there is too much build up of gas in the stomach. So, to relieve the stomach from excess gas, a lot of burping may occur.
The abdomen hurts when doing mundane tasks and is accompanied by too much burping. Ulcer symptoms are not limited to stomach pain and frequent bouts of burping. Some people experience nauseating feeling and may even vomit. In such circumstances, the desire to eat food vanishes.
Many a time, excessive burping is followed by passage of bloody or tarry stools. This is an indication of bleeding ulcers, which is a serious issue and may require urgent medical intervention. Intense stomach pain, loss of appetite accompanied by frequent burping also points towards serious complications.
Antibiotics such as amoxicillin are commonly prescribed to treat ulcers of the stomach and the intestines. It is observed that the stomach releases a fluid, also known as gastric acid to promote digestion.
However, production of stomach acid can aggravate the discomfort associated with ulcers. In order to minimize stomach acid production, antacids are prescribed. It is the combination of antibiotics and antacids that works to relieve ulcer symptoms.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this post is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.