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Umbilical Hernia Symptoms

Ashwini Kulkarni Sule
Umbilical hernia is a lump which bulges out in the navel region. It is most common in young children and pregnant women. This story briefly describes the symptoms of this condition.
Hernia is said to have occurred when the contents of the body cavity spill out of the membrane that contains them. Hernia is a generic term which refers to bulges in any part of the body. However, most types of hernia occur in the lower half of the body and are related with abdominal wall.
These hernias are mostly the result of part of an intestine bulging out or a lump of fatty tissue of the abdomen. Hernias may occur in other parts of the body as well. Umbilical hernia is said to have occurred when the bulge is visible around the navel region. It is actually a protrusion of the intestine in the umbilical region.


There are several causes of this condition. Mostly, weakening of the muscles of abdominal cavity is the primary cause of umbilical hernia. In infants, it occurs due to non closure of the opening of the muscle which is responsible for feeding the developing fetus.
In adults, it may result due to persistent strenuous activities like coughing, straining, lifting heavy objects, etc. Sometimes, hernia even runs in the family. Accumulation of fluid in the body cavity, chronic lung disease, and obesity are some other causes that also contribute to this condition.

Symptoms in Children

In babies, the lump around the navel is barely noticeable. It is a soft lump of the size of 1 to 2 inches. The lump will be visible only when the baby strains himself, that is, during activities like crying, laughing, sitting up, etc.
The hernia is mostly harmless and needs no medical intervention, especially in children belonging to the age group of 1 to 2 years. The hernia first grows with the baby, but later subsides as the opening closes on its own.

Symptoms in Adults

The symptoms in adults are pretty much similar to those in children. However, in case of adults, the size of hernia is quite large, and it is only noticeable during strenuous activities.
In certain cases, it may be large enough to be visible even during relaxed state. If the hernia results after pregnancy then a respiratory tract infection is mostly accompanied by it.
Hernia may not be always associated with pain. Its color may change from reddish to bluish black, which often indicates strangulation of hernia, meaning the blood supply may be cut off.
This is an emergency which warrants immediate medical intervention. Strangulated hernia may lead to threatening situations like gangrene, peritonitis, etc. Complications may also arise if the hernia traps the bowel inside it.


Surgery is the only treatment option available to cure umbilical hernia completely and permanently. There are basically two type of surgeries: open surgery and keyhole surgery.
Mostly, open surgery is recommended as it pushes the contents back in the abdominal cavity and strengthens the abdominal muscles with a synthetic wire mesh. Keyhole surgery is recommended for patients with recurrent hernias.
Since the symptoms are almost non-existent, except for mild, rare pain, you should watch your navel area for a lump if you experience pain in that region. You should immediately consult a physician if you suspect the lump to be hernia. Your physician may be able to diagnose the problem and recommend you a proper treatment.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.