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Uric Acid Kidney Stones

Rohini Mohan
Excess levels of uric acid in the body can lead to many health problems such as uric acid kidney stones. Read on to know more about this health problem...
Uric acid is a waste product which is created as a byproduct of metabolism, and is excreted from the body through urine, and stool. While it is beneficial when it's within its restrained limits, it can lead to kidney stones, when its ratio increases in the body.
This often happens when the kidneys begin to malfunction, and find it difficult to perform their normal functions.
When the kidneys do not process the uric acid out of the system, it tends to remain in the blood, which results in either the formation of gout or stones. These type of kidney stones form when the total amount of uric acid within the body is more than the amount being disposed through the urine.
This makes it harder for the kidneys to remove the excess uric acid. There can be many other possible reasons as to why the uric acid in the body may be increasing.

Uric Acid Stones in Kidney


When there is too much uric acid present in our body, the possibility of kidney stones aggravate. Following could be the possible reasons for its increase:
  • People who suffer from gout or kidney stones, have acidic urine, with a pH balance (acidity) of 5 and lesser. This disables or malfunctions the urine's ability to dissolve uric acid properly.
  • Uric acid is produced from the breaking up of 'purines', found in our tissues, blood, and urine. The amount of purines may increase due to foods that are rich in purines. Their consumption must be reduced or in severe cases be stopped completely.
  • Not drinking enough water, increases the chances of suffering from kidney diseases. Not being able to urinate sufficient number of times, may cause the kidneys to malfunction, thereby increasing the levels of uric acid.
  • High protein diets, put a lot of stress on the kidneys, as proteins take longer to be absorbed and broken. Excess consumption of animal proteins overexerts the kidneys and must be curtailed completely, or minimized substantially.
  • People suffering from other health conditions such type 2 diabetes, have been found to have higher levels of uric acid in their system.
  • Binge drinking increases the uric acid ratio in the body and so does excessive smoking.
  • Genetic predisposition may also be blamed for this condition. People with a family history of kidney stones of any type, must get their uric acid count checked regularly.
  • Certain medications may also add to the trouble, as they may cause more uric acid to be produced in the body, which will show its side effects on the individual's health.

Preventive Methods

Drink Water
The safest way to prevent any type of kidney stones is to drink plenty of water regularly, so that your kidneys can wash away the excess uric acid, as well as other toxins. This will also help your kidneys maintain proper functioning. Do not underestimate the healing effects that water has on our health. Keep yourself hydrated always.
Water retains a pH level of 7, which can dissolve a large quantity of uric acid in the body, thereby aiding in dissolving the stones as well. Therefore, people with this condition, must drink water at regular intervals of the day, in order to reduce the acidity in their urine. The objective is to allow the urine to not be yellowish, and be more clearer.
Abstain from Proteins
Believe it or not, but proteins are a rich source of acid. When we eat proteins in excess, more uric acid is produced in our system. This excess acid, gets trapped in our blood and forms into kidney stones or causes gout. Purines are a type of protein, that are responsible for increasing the level of uric acid in people.
Try reducing the consumption of foods with high purine content to a bare minimal. If it's possible, try to avoid them completely. Seeking the advice of your nephrologist may help, as they will provide you with a concise dietary chart.
Following is a list of food items to avoid or restrict in your diet.
  • Red meat and poultry products, such as eggs, and meat.
  • Meats such as liver, brain, sweetbread and kidney, are known to have high levels of purines.
  • Also avoid sardines, herring, anchovies, mackerel, and scallops.
  • Peas, peanuts, and beans are high in proteins and must be restricted.
Substitutes For Purines
  • Vegetables
  • Lentils
  • Legumes
  • Whole grains
  • Tofu
  • Soy products
  • Dairy products
Reduce Uric Acidity
Treatment involves to alkalinize the urine, through citrate or bicarbonate dilution in order to reduce the acidic levels in the urine. Allopurinol (Zyloprim) is a medication which aids in lowering uric acid levels. Regular hydration is a must.
Hopefully, this article answers your doubts as to, what causes these type of kidney stones. Uric acid stones can be prevented, if you maintain a healthy lifestyle and look after your health a bit more. If you notice any symptoms such as, pain while urinating, dark-colored urine, or blood in the urine, then you should immediately consult your doctor.