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Vestibular System Disorders

Kundan Pandey
Vestibular system may suffer from Labyrinthitis to Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), which may not only affect a person's hearing ability, but also lead to several other health issues. This post tells you about the major inner ear disorders, so that, if you have any of these ear problems, you can get the right treatment at the right time.
An ear is not only concerned with the function of hearing, but it also helps in maintaining a balance and equilibrium in our daily activities. There are certain fluids in our ears that work together with the brain, to provide a sense of balance to us. If there is any problem in the ear, we feel uncomfortable and can face problems in talking, walking, seeing, etc.


The vestibular system consists a labyrinth that surrounds the inner ear. Labyrinthitis is the inflammation of the inner ear that causes balance disorders. Besides causing balance disorders, it also causes hearing loss and tinnitus.
While most of us are aware of hearing loss, tinnitus is an altogether different case, in which, an individual perceives a sound or sounds inside the ears, even though there may be no sound externally.
A vestibular system dysfunction in the inner ear leads to problems in coordinating rotational motion and this causes sudden, fast, and uncontrolled eye movement (nystagmus), and feeling of anxiety.

Vestibular Neuronitis

A form of severe dizziness, vestibular neuronitis causes vomiting and nausea. Though no exact clinical examination can be done of this complication, it is believed that this condition is caused by the inflammation of the nerve connecting the inner ear to the brain.
One of the common disorders, this condition is linked to cold and flu infections, as many patients after suffering from these infections, often complain of vestibular neuronitis.

Perilymph Fistula

A tear or injury to oval window of the ear, can lead to the passage of perilymph fluid from the inner ear into the middle ear. This can lead to perilymph fistulization that leads to sudden hearing loss and other problems of the ears. Symptoms of tinnitus, disequilibrium, and aural fullness can also be caused due to perilymph fistula.

Meniere's Disease

The inner ear consists of endolymph, a fluid that regulates and maintains a balance of the body and head. Due to the lymphatic dilation, the endolymphatic functions of the inner ear are not managed properly leading to dizziness, nausea, and hearing loss.

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)

Benign paroxysmal Positional Vertigo is one of the inner ear disorders, that generally affects elderly people. Head injury, ear infections, and aging are believed to be the leading causes of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.


The diagnosis of disorders related to vestibular sensory system is quite complex, as there are various complications related to this disease.
Besides these complications, ear infections, blood pressure fluctuations, and vision problems can also be the probable reason for these disorders, that makes the job of identifying the exact problem of the disorders, a tough task. A primary physician may need to take the help of otolaryngologist, who will identify the exact cause of these medical problems.
The otolaryngologist is a medical professional, who treats ailments related to the inner ear system and the brain. Some of the diagnostic tests that the doctors will perform are:
  • Hearing examination
  • Blood tests
  • Electronystagmogram
  • Image studies of the vestibular system and the brain
  • Caloric test
  • Posturography
Two of the above tests, viz., caloric test and postugraphy are important to trace the exact cause of vestibular disorders. In the caloric test, each ear is alternately flushed by cool and warm water and nystagmus is checked. If nystagmus is found to be weak, then it is proved that there is a disorder present in the vestibular system.
In the other test, i.e., postugraphy, the person is made to stand on a special platform, in a visual environment. The body and visual movements of the person are recorded in response to the moving platform. Based on that, diagnosis of the ear problems is done.


The treatment process of any of the above disorders, depends on the medical history of the person, symptoms of the condition, general health, and the results of examination by the experts. Rehabilitation exercises are also one of the treatment methods used frequently by doctors.
For some patients, dietary changes like lessening the intake of sodium is prescribed. If medications don't work, surgery is done in various cases.
Since, the ear is an extremely delicate organ, before going for any surgeries, make sure that you have discussed all the possibilities of the treatment with your doctor. This will surely help you in getting an effective treatment for this disorder.