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Viral Pneumonia

Buzzle Staff
Viral pneumonia is inflammation of lungs. Although it is not so very serious but can have fatal results especially for very old age people and very young patients. The infirmity frequently begins with as a cold extending to flu and then pneumonia...
Viral pneumonia is an infection or inflammation of lungs that causes swelling, irritation and congestion in the lungs. It is a belief that most of the pneumonias are caused due to viruses like adenovirus, chickenpox, measles, respiratory syncytial virus and influenza. The infection begins when a virus is inhaled and gets settled in the lungs.
The infirmity frequently begins with a cold. The pneumonia usually spreads during the winter. Although it is not so very serious but can have fatal results especially for very old age people and very young patients. It can also be seen causing seriousness to the people whose immune system is not good.


It can be caused by different kinds of viruses. They may be...

Parainfluenza and Adenoviruses

These viruses' cause common cold but their worst result may exceed to pneumonia. These viruses and many such other viruses cause a cold which is a contagious disease. There are many viruses that are attacking the body, which never allow resistance to build up. Due to this we usually get cold and cough which may result in pneumonia.

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)

The pneumonia caused due to RSV is extremely contagious. If any one comes in contact with an infected person or contaminated objects or a surface, then they get this infection from respiratory secretions. When the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth or nose get affected by this then you may say you have an infection. It can also be caused because of inhalation of droplets generated by a cough or a sneeze.

Influenza A and B

It is the viral infection causing the common cold with the flu. Only the symptoms can differentiate between the common cold and the flu. These are two types of influenza viruses that exist and are responsible for seasonal outbreaks of the flu. It frequently occurs in the winter months.

Herpes or Varicella

These viruses are rare. They are usually found when one is infected by chickenpox. It spreads through contact and can be identified after 14 to 16 days of the contact.

Corona virus

SARS also known as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome is also a viral infection. Initially it shows the symptoms of flu which may later progress to pneumonia and sometimes death may occur.


The most common symptoms that are seen with pneumonia are cold, fever with shivering, headache, feeling tired, muscle aches, cough with sputum and difficulty in breathing. In case if you are suffering from more serious symptoms, then seeking medical help is suggested. The symptoms may be shortness of breath, severe chest pain, coughing up blood, severe weakness, more of muscle pains, so much of vomiting that you feel dehydrated, severe headache etc.
It is not very serious. It can be treated at home if identified. It may prove fatal depending upon various factors like resistance power of your body, your eating and drinking habits, and closeness with the infected person etc.

Treatment Options

If you have been diagnosed, the first and foremost thing you need to do, is to rest and drink a lot of water or non-alcoholic fluids. You can have over-the-counter medicines to decrease the effect of fever, body aches, headache and cough.
If you are feeling drowsy after taking such medicines then you need more of rest for your body to gain energy to fight against the infection and to heal itself. If you have chest pain you can always apply a heating pad. This reduces the pain and eases the breathing process. Try taking deep breaths when applying the heating pad.
You need to rest at home without exposing your self to very hot or very cold climate. The air that you breathe from the surrounding should be clean and fresh away from all the contaminated areas. Taking rest of 3 to 4 weeks may help you come out of such an infection.