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Vitamins for Cold Sore Prevention

Batul Nafisa Baxamusa
Vitamins for cold sore prevention will assist you in getting rid of these blisters naturally. Find out which are the vitamins that will help you reduce cold sores naturally by going through this story.
Cold sores, also called fever blisters, are caused by herpes simplex virus. This virus sneaks into the body and latches itself in the nerve ends of the nervous system. They remain latched onto the ganglia for life and when they find suitable conditions, they cause an outbreak of cold sores.
One can suffer from a number of cold sore outbreaks in a year. No one likes to develop these blisters as they not only make one look ugly, but also cause a lot of pain and discomfort. There are many remedies for getting rid of these outbreaks.
One of the remedies includes use of vitamins for cold sore prevention. You can find information related to vitamins for cold sore treatment in the following paragraphs. Continue reading and learn how to reduce cold sores naturally.

How to Reduce Cold Sores Naturally

The herpes simplex virus is a very smart fellow. He will lay dormant if your immune system is conducting strong policing of the body. Once the immune system weakens when one is over stressed, ill or suffering from some kind of vitamin deficiency, the virus will wake up.
As the immune system is weak, the virus will be able to cause an infection uninterrupted. Thus, those who do not eat well and are often suffering from vitamin deficiency, frequently develop recurrent cold sores. However, you need not worry as all you need to do is eat certain foods that help make your immune system strong.
These foods contain vitamins for preventing cold sores that reduce the number of outbreaks. These vitamins are also great agents for treating an existing cold sore. Read below to gather details on the various vitamins that help prevent or cure cold sores.

Vitamins that Prevent Cold Sores

Vitamin C

The minute you experience tingling mouth, consume a high dose of vitamin C with bioflavonoids. Vitamin C helps in activating the white blood cells and triggering production of interferon. They are natural antiviral agents in the body that help fight the virus. Vitamin C increases the intake of iron and thus improves oxygenation of the body.
It reduces the stress in the body and helps build resistance. You need about 1,000 mg of vitamin C when you experience prodromal symptoms. Increase the dose to about 1,500 mg for the next 2 to 3 days. Natural vitamin C foods include kiwis, lemons, strawberries, oranges, parsley, etc.

Vitamin B

Vitamin B complex, especially vitamin B6, helps in production of antibodies in the body. These antibodies are very important for fighting infections and diseases. Vitamin B makes the immune system as well as nervous system strong and fights off cold sores. The natural sources for vitamin B6 include bananas, cabbage, mushrooms, whole grains, shellfish, spinach, etc.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A helps in strengthening the immune system and making the skin healthy. When the skin is healthy, it can offer resistance to a cold sore outbreak. Vitamin A natural sources include carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, mangoes, dried apricots, egg yolks, milk, liver, etc.

Vitamin E

The antioxidant that helps protect the cells from damage through free radicals is vitamin E. This vitamin also helps in triggering production of white blood cells in case of infection. Thus, a regular dose of 400 to 600 IU of vitamin E/day will help in preventing cold sores.
Vitamin E is naturally found in green leafy vegetables, fortified cereals, almonds, sunflower seeds, vegetable oil, olive oil, wheat germ, peaches and prunes. You can even apply vitamin E on the cold sore by breaking open a cod liver capsule. It will promote in healing the blister and softening the crust formed.


Although zinc is not a vitamin, it is very essential to mention it along with vitamins used for cold sore relief. When one applies zinc on the cold sore topically, it will help in speeding up the healing process. It also helps the immune system in fighting off the herpes simplex virus. Zinc oxide helps in drying off the cold sore and is known as an old remedy for cold sores.


L-Lysine is also not a vitamin, but an essential amino acid. L-Lysine for cold sores reduces the healing time and prevents recurrence of cold sore blisters. It is naturally found in eggs, lentils, spinach, beans and red meat.
These were the vitamins for cold sore prevention. One needs to follow a healthy diet consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables. This will prevent our body from stress and keep our immune system strong. Once a person is infected with herpes simplex virus, it will remain in the system for life.
The only way to prevent cold sore outbreaks is by remaining strong and healthy. Make sure you include the above vitamin sources in your diet, if you feel that a cold sore is about to make an appearance.