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Symptoms of Volvulus

Volvulus symptoms can be observed as a sign of obstruction in the intestine. With the help of this post, let us know more about the symptoms of this condition, as seen in children and adults.
Marlene Alphonse
Volvulus is a disorder of the bowels, which occurs as a result of the bowel becoming twisted, or due to the presence of an obstruction. This condition is also referred to as twisted bowel, mainly due to the fact that the intestine twists itself to a certain degree.
It can occur at any age, but is seen more commonly during childhood. Volvulus most commonly affects the colon, or the large intestine.
In some cases, the small intestine and the stomach may also twist. This twisting can lead to the build up of digested food, fluids, etc., which may strangulate the blood vessels. Due to a cut off in the blood supply, the tissue may suffer damage, leading to gangrene. This can cause a condition known as perforated bowel, which can be a life-threatening condition.
Volvulus can be of two types: cecal volvulus and sigmoid volvulus, depending on the part of the intestine affected. Cecal volvulus occurs when the cecum gets twisted. Normally, the cecum is attached to the inner abdominal wall and has no movement. The symptoms of this condition may include abdominal cramps, nausea, and vomiting.
On the other hand, sigmoid volvulus, which is a more common form of volvulus, can affect the end section of the colon. An enlarged colon is one of the reasons for sigmoid volvulus. This is seen in individuals of all age groups.
It is more common in men as compared to women, due to the fact that men have a longer sigmoid colon. It is also seen in people who are above 60 years of age. Congenital malrotation of the abdomen can be one of the reasons in children.

Indications of Volvulus

How can the onset of volvulus be identified? It is essential to observe and report the symptoms of volvulus in its initial stages to avoid any risk.
  • One of the initial symptoms is severe abdominal pain. This pain may radiate to other parts of the body.
  • Symptoms in babies can be seen as persistent vomiting; infants suffering from this condition may vomit everything they are being fed.
  • In some cases, bilious vomiting is also noticed. The individual may also pass blood in the stool. This is also reported as one of the indications as observed in children.
  • In case of sigmoid volvulus, the person may show indications of bowel obstruction, severe constipation, nausea-induced vomiting, abdominal distention, etc.
  • A few other signs may include a bloating sensation even on an empty stomach, bouts of dizziness, difficulty in bowel movements, etc. In case the symptoms become intense, the person may suffer from shortness of breath, back pain, and the abdominal region may appear to be tender when touched.

How Can Volvulus be Treated?

Since this disorder can prove to be critical, it is essential to undergo treatment. Diagnostic tests like a barium enema, X-ray of the abdominal region, stool guaiac, a test which may reveal the presence of blood in stool, and blood tests to check for the level of electrolytes will be conducted.
A CT scan may also be required for close observation of the obstructed colon. Once all the tests have been performed, the doctor may proceed towards administering appropriate treatment.
Treatment includes surgery, where the twisted part of the bowel is untwisted and blood circulation is restored. Colostomy may also be required to surgically remove the affected part of the colon, from which blood supply has been cut. The healthy parts are then sewn and the function is then restored.
Another treatment method is called resection, which is also a surgical procedure. In this procedure, the dead tissue and the affected part of the colon is removed. This method is done in order to prevent recurrence.
A failure to treat this problem in its initial stage can lead to unnecessary complications, which can be life-threatening and even prove to be fatal in some cases. Hence, any symptoms, especially in infants and children, must be reported to a health care provider as soon as possible.