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Warning Signs of Hearing Loss

Learn to recognize the warning signs of hearing loss and how to treat it.
Modern Times
More than 460 million people suffer from disabling hearing loss. Over the next 30 years, this number is expected to rise to 900 million. Although almost half of all people over the age of 75 have serious hearing problems, hearing loss also affects babies, children, teenagers, and young adults.

Not Bothered By Loud Sounds

People with good hearing notice dogs barking and doors slamming. People who don’t react to loud noises may have hearing loss. This is one way to know a baby or toddler may have a hearing issue. They should react when they hear loud, unexpected noises like sirens and doors banging.

Unresponsive to Familiar Sounds

From the time we are babies we learn to associate some sounds with family members leaving or returning from home or performing other activities. A person who doesn’t notice or respond to these sounds may have difficulty hearing.

Exhibiting Physical Symptoms

Some people with hearing loss will experience pain in their ears. Difficulty balancing is also a potential sign of a hearing problem. People who hear a ringing sound in their ears may have tinnitus, which can be a symptom of hearing loss.

Being Too Quiet

Babies learn to make sounds with their mouth or objects, especially if their family members react to those noises. Babies that don’t babble, scream and bang on toys may have difficulty hearing.

Being Too Loud

Elderly people may compensate for their hearing loss by talking loudly so that they can hear themselves. They may also turn up the TV, complain people talk too softly and have trouble hearing people talk over the phone.
See a clinical audiologist if you suspect hearing loss. Audiologists can provide treatments and may be able to help prevent further damage to your auditory and vestibular systems.