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Warning Signs of Pneumonia

Naomi Sarah
The warning signs of pneumonia shouldn't be overlooked or ignored once the signs have escalated into persistent occurrences. Learn about the causes, symptoms and treatment for this ailment...
Pneumonia is when the lungs inflame due to an infection caused by either fungi, bacteria, parasites or viruses. This illness can be contracted in many ways, with the most common one being by breathing in droplets where these organisms are nested within.
When a sick person coughs or sneezes, these droplets can be released into the air, and taken in through someone else's mouth or nose. It is contagious and can even spread from the throat, nose or mouth, where other bacteria are already present, to the lungs.
It can either be a severe case of this illness, or a not so serious one, where immediate treatment in any case is of utmost importance. The intensity of the illness varies depending on which organism is causing it. In any case, patients have to take their signs of pneumonia up with a doctor and have it diagnosed no matter what the case.

Pneumonia Causes

There are different ways on how this illness can occur in a person or child, where it is important to identify these and have them tested in time.

Aspiration Pneumonia

Anything that can enter one's lungs through breathing, leads to this type of pneumonia, where one can breathe in organisms, once vomit has expelled from the stomach. These can then enter the lungs after the bacteria settle into one's mouth and throat.
Gag reflexes when not normal, can lead to this, or those that suffer from conditions that make them throw up. When one also goes through a condition like Parkinson's disease, that doesn't allow them to swallow properly, this kind of pneumonia can crop up and take hold of one's health.

Nosocomial Pneumonia

Those who are put into hospitals using the breathing support of a mechanical ventilator, are prone to falling ill to this infection. It can be serious for those who have a weak immune system or are put in the ICU which can be teeming over with foreign agents that patients may not be aware of.
Patients who have HIV/AIDS and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases have to be extremely cautious when it comes to providing a laying ground for these organisms.
There are cases where patients after surgery, fall ill to this infection that occurs in older adults usually. This is known as post operative pneumonia. Even a gastroesophageal reflux can bring on a case of pneumonia.

Opportunistic Organisms

It is important for those who have immune systems that aren't strong enough to take on infections, to stay clear from an environment that can cause one to catch them. Patients who have undergone surgery or organ transplantation, including those who have been put through chemotherapy and radiation, have a high chance of falling prey to pneumonia causing organisms.

Community Acquired

This type of pneumonia can befall a person, while they are anywhere that has a public gathering, like colleges, schools, workplaces, playgrounds, and so on. The most common of these organisms is the streptococcus pneumoniae. The mycoplasma pneumoniae is said to bring on a not so dangerous kind of infection known as walking pneumonia, which doesn't result in bed rest or pose as a cause for concern.

Pneumonia Symptoms

The symptoms vary from person to person, depending on his / her age. Be sure to have a person suspected of an infection, go in and have it looked over by a doctor.
  • Cough is initially dry, where it later brings up sputum.
  • Confusion (in the elderly).
  • A case of the chills followed by a fever.
  • Breath comes in short bursts.
  • Vomiting / nausea
  • Abdominal or chest pain.
  • Skin takes on a bluish color.
  • Muscles ache.
  • There is an unknown case of losing weight.
  • Fever is high.
  • Sputum has traces of blood in it.
  • Heart rate increases.
  • Breathing becomes heavy.
  • Weakness
  • Feeling lethargic.

Pneumonia Treatment

Patients, when put through treatment, are first diagnosed to find out what caused the infection to take root. Some medical illnesses bring on a case of pneumonia, which is what patients are first tested for. A series of blood tests and X-rays then follow, where the treatment method is then put forward depending on what kind of pneumonia it is, and of course how serious a case it is.


Depending on if the organism is a virus or bacterium, antibiotics (antibacterial / antivirus) are then given. Those who suffer from illnesses like diabetes, COPD, cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases, and so on, are given erythromycin, azithromycin, sparfloxacin, moxifloxacin, clarithromycin and gemifloxacin.


Patients are usually kept under observation for 24 hours, where the symptoms are determined, before making any conclusive findings. Community acquired pneumonia is given prior attention, where patients are taken into the emergency room for subsequent treatment. Patients can be taken care of at home too, where caregivers can help with the antibiotics (intravenously) and chest therapy sessions.

At Home Care

Pain relievers are given to patients where coughing is brought down to a minimum, where these need to be looked over by a doctor or caregiver who has the knowledge about how to keep a track of how much a patient takes of this. For pain, other medications given are acetaminophen, aspirin for adults and ibuprofen.
Aromatic oils have been used to ease breathing as well as rid the lungs from the S. pneumoniae bacterium, which hasn't been proven to work entirely, but to slightly better the situation. Coughing is actually encouraged, to rid the lungs from building mucus.
Be sure that when codeine or the likes is given to reduce coughs, that is given only in extreme cases where pain is involved. Medications for mucus removal are Glytuss, Robitussin, Breonesin and Senior EX.
The warning signs of pneumonia shouldn't be taken for granted and must be looked over by a doctor who can help patients recover from whichever type of pneumonia he / she is suffering from. It is important to pay close attention, especially to the elderly and young when it comes to persistent signs. Have a safe tomorrow.