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Water Retention in Men

Naomi Sarah
Water retention takes place when there is an accumulation of water in the body's cavities due to different factors. Learn about the different causes and how to deal with it if confronted with this problem.
Water retention or edema is a medical ailment in which water gets accumulated in certain parts of the body causing it to bloat or swell. When the abdomen is filling with water, one can actually hear the sound of water filling up. If the swelling persists for over a week, then you need to get immediate medical help.
Ankles and legs are the most common body parts to get affected, and one experiences a feeling of discomfort and slight pain. Retention of water takes place when there is an excessive pressure buildup inside the capillaries or if there are changes in the capillary walls causing it to leak.
When there is an excessive fluid buildup in the capillaries, leakage is bound to occur. As a result, the fluid flows out into the tissue spaces between the cells. Hence, there is swelling and a feeling of tenderness around the area where the leakage has occurred.

Why Men Suffer from Water Retention

When a man experiences the problem of water retentivity, there are many factors responsible for making him experience uncomfortable sensations, especially swelling.
➜ When the kidneys are unable to filter waste products from the blood, the condition is termed as kidney failure. This could happen because of an infection, disease, or some sort of a viral attack on the system. When this happens, swelling in the ankles and leg area is a common phenomenon.
➜ Thyroid problems can also result in this medical ailment.
➜ High levels of estrogen (a by-product of body fat) in overweight men can cause frequent estrogen fluctuations. Pollutants tend to have an effect on the estrogen in both men and women.
➜ The body can experience dehydration when there is retention of water (sounds odd though). This is because the body has to hold on to the leftover fluids to protect the important tissues from getting damaged.
That is why it is essential to drink lots of water. The fluid intake should be increased to flush out toxins from the body and reduce swelling in the ankles. It is suggested to have meals rich in whole grains, leafy vegetables, and fruits.
➜ The pumping force of the heart should be enough to maintain a normal pressure inside the blood vessels. However, if the heart begins to fail, the abnormal pressure changes can cause severe water retention.
In such a condition, the retention is mostly visible in the legs, feet, ankles, and lungs as well (causes a chronic cough). Such a condition needs immediate medical intervention to avoid breathing problems and additional stress on the heart.
➜ Consuming a lot of salt can lead to water retentivity in guys. Junk foods, flavored additives, and improperly cooked meals are also known to aggravate the problem. Sodium is the main ingredient that causes the problem, so cut down on sodium intake to avoid this ailment.
➜ Sugar is another causative factor. It forces the body to produce more insulin thus resulting in retention of water.
➜ Proteins attract water and play an important role in maintaining the water balance in the body. When suffering from severe protein deficiency, the blood does not contain sufficient protein to attract water from the tissue spaces back into the capillaries.
This leads to an accumulation of water within the tissue spaces. Also, when the capillary walls become too leaky, proteins can leak out of the blood and settle in tissue spaces. This acts like a magnet for water resulting in accumulation of water in the tissue spaces.

How to Avoid Water Retention

Retention of water can be avoided by following some simple and important guidelines on how to maintain yourself and what to do in order to stay healthy.
☛ Avoid wearing clothes and other accessories (belts) that are too tight for you. You need blood circulation and cutting off that flow can lead to water retentivity.
☛ Increase the intake of fruits, vegetables, water, and high-potassium foods. Cranberry juice has many added benefits and is known to help in flushing out built-up water.
☛ Exercise regularly to facilitate healthy blood circulation.
☛ Make sure you get your everyday healthy dose of protein.
☛ Keep your feet or the affected body part in an elevated position to facilitate proper circulation of blood.
Water retentivity is something that can be easily avoided if you know how to take care of your overall health and maintain a good lifestyle. You'll save yourself a lot of trouble by getting yourself checked sooner, instead of going through the adverse effects of this condition when it reaches a severe stage. Have a healthy tomorrow.
Disclaimer: This is for informative purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.