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Welts on Face

Welts on face is not only unsightly, but it could be an indication of a serious condition as well. Often, the symptoms that accompany welts provide clues to detect the underlying cause of the problem.
Saptakee Sengupta
Appearance of welts on face, neck, back and other parts of the body is one of the most obvious symptoms of hives. Welts are patchy red bumps, and appear like skin rashes causing itchiness and irritation on the affected area. Gradually the entire face gets covered with red and white marks.

What Causes Welts?

Welts affect men and women of all age groups. It's a common symptom of hives in children. People who are prone to sickness are more susceptible to contracting this kind of skin disorder. However, welts can also appear due to infection, insect bites, fever or some kind of allergic reactions resulting from consumption of foods. The underlying causes have been elaborated in the following.


Hives appear on face when the body comes in contact with dangerous allergens that trigger release of histamines from the body. The body's defense cells become active to counter the allergens. The result of this allergic reaction is, appearance of welts on face and neck.
Hives are contagious and can spread to other parts of the body as well. Welts last for 24 hours or more depending upon the severity of the reaction.


Itchy facial welts are sometimes the effect of strong drugs and medicines. Often children suffer from drug allergy when their body is incapable of tolerating strong doses. Such cases are often evident when a child is suffering from fever and simultaneously he is administered other medicines.
Red rashes appear on face that itch and cause immense irritation. Allergic rashes might also develop if your child is under the dose of any new drugs like sulfa drugs and antibiotics.

Sun Exposure

Getting exposed to the sun regularly is one of the prime reasons behind appearance of red facial welts. Itchy skin rashes appear due to the damaging UV rays. It can also occur due to overuse of sunscreen. The ingredients of the sunscreen when do not suit your skin give rise to raised patches on it.
The skin appears discolored and white bumpy patches gain prominence. The same effects are observed when skin care products like bleach and facials do not suit you.

Other causes:

» Insect bites
» Food allergies
» Frost attack
» Fabric allergy
» Leukemia
» Hay fever
» Viral infection
» Cat dander
» Strep throat
» Seasonal change

Treatment Measures

Welts usually last for 24 hours. They tend to disappear quickly if the reaction is mild. Under severe conditions, the raised welts gradually spread to the neck, hands, back, chest, and belly. If the welts are confirmed as hives then treatment for hives is carried out.
Hence you should get yourself diagnosed immediately to know the exact reason behind the problem. The most common types of drugs that are used for the treatment are anti-allergens and antihistamines. Doctors also suspect that appearance of welts and rashes on face and other parts of the body might arise from herpes simplex virus infection (HSV-1).
In such cases specific drugs are administered to eliminate the infection. The best option is to follow natural remedies to cure skin rash and welts. Splash cold water on your face and rub ice cubes on them to get rid of the burning and itchy sensation. You can also freeze the pulp of aloe vera and rub it on your face to soothe your skin.
Sudden appearance of welts is nothing serious. It's well and good if they disappear overnight or else you will have to go for a medical check up. A proper treatment is capable of eradicating the red patches or the white bumps from face completely, after which the skin regains its normal texture.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.