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What Causes Cold Night Sweats?

Bidisha Mukherjee
Anyone who experiences cold night sweats regularly is curious to know about its causes. Here, we have explained what causes cold night sweats. Read on...
Sweating is an integral part of the cooling mechanism of the body. When the body temperature rises, the brain increases sweat production. Then the sweat secreted out on the skin surface evaporates and the body cools down. As the body temperature is lowered to normal, the sweat production decreases.
However, if someone is sweating profusely at night for no definite reason, then it is termed as cold night sweats or sleep hyperhidrosis. It can happen to both men and women of all age groups.

What Causes Cold Night Sweats?

If you are getting cold sweats at night daily, then the first thing that you must check out is whether your sleeping environment is warm or not. It may happen that you have not noticed before that your bedroom does not have enough air circulation or you wear tight clothes while sleeping. This is a harmless condition and there is nothing to worry about.
There are some people who have the problem of idiopathic hyperhidrosis. These people tend to sweat profusely all the time and not just during the night. In most cases, it is not clearly known what triggers heavy sweating in them.
Some people develop this problem of excessive sweating after a brain injury where it is believed that the sweat regulation mechanism is affected by the injury. Hence, the abnormal sweating.
Cold night sweats in women are mostly due to hormonal imbalance. In young women, this kind of change in hormonal levels takes place during pregnancy or soon after the birth of a baby. The problem disappears once their body regains normal hormonal balance.
On the other hand, night sweats is a common occurrence in those women who are going through menopause and are going to be bothered by it for quite some time. This is an effect of the sudden drop in the female reproductive hormone, estrogen.
There are some specific causes of cold night sweats in men too. It can happen due to intake of sildenafil drugs. Excessive alcohol consumption is another major reason behind this problem. Men in their andropause phase experience night sweats because of the low level of reproductive hormones in the body.
Cold night sweats in children are not very common. However, it can be triggered due to suppressed anxiety. If they are given any medicine to lower fever before going to bed, then children may get night sweats.
Besides, there are a number of general causes that can lead to night sweats in both men and women. In such cases, cold night sweats is a symptom of the underlying health condition.
A few such causes are as follows:
  • Tuberculosis
  • Sleep disorders like obstructive sleep apnea
  • Diabetes
  • Anemia
  • Low blood pressure
  • Epilepsy
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Neurological disorder
  • Thyroid problems
  • Side effects of medicines such as antidepressants, birth control pills, aspirin, niacin, acetaminophen and so on.
  • A specific type of cancer named lymphoma


There are no such medicines that can stop night sweats. The underlying cause has to be treated first in order to get rid of this problem. Those with idiopathic hyperhidrosis are prescribed with anticholinergic drugs for a short period of time.
If it does not give satisfactory results, then antiperspirants and botox injections are the other possible treatment options. In some severe cases where sweating occurs only from one part of the body, say underarms, doctors opt for surgery.
Menopausal women can undergo hormonal replacement therapy to keep menopause symptoms like night sweats and hot flashes in check. Any other health disorder should be treated as per the guidelines provided by the doctor.
Till that time, take a few measures at home to fight off night sweats and get some good sleep at night. Keep your sleeping environment cool and comfortable. Wear loose sleeping clothes. Taking a cold shower before going to bed or having a glass of cold milk or juice can keep your body cool throughout the night.
Some of the causes are quite serious issues like HIV infection or cancer. That does not mean, anyone of you who experience night sweats while sleeping should assume that you are suffering from a deadly disease. Rather, visit a doctor without wasting any time, have an open discussion about the issue and correct the actual problem. I am sure you will seek relief from the annoying night sweats, soon!