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What Causes Low Iron

Nicks J
A diet lacking in iron, intestinal disorders like Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome, and pregnancy are some of the factors that can cause low iron levels in the body.
Out of the many minerals found in our body, one of them is iron. The mineral is dominantly present in the red blood cells and its main task is to manufacture hemoglobin, a protein that transports oxygen to different parts of the body.
So, when blood iron dips below the normal values, the body is unable to produce hemoglobin in adequate amounts, resulting in insufficient supply of oxygen to various tissues of the body. Due to shortage of oxygen supply in the body, the person gets easily tired, which is accompanied by overall weakness, headache, and pale skin.


Unhealthy Diet

Certain foods are major sources of iron and so their exclusion from the diet can lead to low iron levels. A diet deficient in iron is the primary contributory factor in the development of iron deficiency anemia. So, make sure to include iron-rich foods like dark green leafy vegetables, egg yolks, red meat, and dried fruits in the diet to overcome and prevent iron deficiency.

Heavy Blood Loss

A severe injury during an accident can trigger excessive bleeding. As iron is an important constituent of blood, heavy blood loss can lead to drastic fall in blood iron levels. Lack of iron in women, has also been linked to heavy menstruation.

Intestinal Disorders

As we all know, digestion mostly occurs in the intestine. The small intestines does the job of absorbing nutrients from the food that we eat. The nutrients are then eventually distributed through the blood vessels to various parts of the body.
However, this can happen only when the small intestine is in a position to absorb nutrients properly. This absorption capability of the small intestine can go haywire if it is affected with certain ailments like Crohn's disease.
In this condition, the lining of the small intestine is swollen and is accompanied by the development of ulcers. The inflammation restricts the functionality of the small intestine. That is why malnutrition is one of the most common side effect of Crohn's disease.
Studies show that intestinal disorders like irritable bowel syndrome and diverticular disease are some of the common causes of low iron in men and women.


During pregnancy the requirements of essential nutrients like vitamins and iron increase dramatically due to the developing fetus. Unfortunately the daily food intake is unable to meet this demand, which may lead to low blood iron levels. In order to fulfill the increased nutritional needs during pregnancy, women may be advised to take iron supplements.
In most cases, doctors advice patients to follow a diet high in iron. Besides including foods containing iron in the diet, the patient may be required to take iron supplements for several weeks to overcome low iron levels in the body. However, if this doesn't work, appropriate diagnosis is necessary and accordingly treatment should be taken to resolve the issue.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.