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What Causes Pinched Nerve in the Neck

Leena Palande
Nerve entrapment in neck can lead to severe pain and discomfort. What causes pinched nerve in the neck? This story describes the causes and symptoms of compressed nerve in neck. Read on, to know how the condition is treated....
Compression of a nerve due to pressure; or constriction; or even stretching of a nerve is referred to as pinched nerve. There are innumerable nerves in the body and any nerve can get compressed due to several reasons. Pinched nerve in neck or leg is quite common in children as well as adults.
Adults, or the elderly, are more prone to nerve entrapment in the neck. Whenever a nerve in the neck gets compressed, even a slight movement of the neck creates excruciating pain. What causes pinched nerve in the neck? Here follows the answer.

Compressed Nerve in the Neck


Nerves constitute an important part of the nervous system. Compression of the nerve results in reduction or blockage of the neuron fluid. This can result in degeneration of its membrane and/or can destroy the function of the nerve cells. Knowing the exact cause of pinched nerve is essential as it helps determine correct treatment.
  • Poor posture during sleep or while working
  • Herniated disc or slipped disc
  • Sports activities
  • Obesity
  • Wrong way of exercising
  • Excessive mental stress
  • Excessive physical stress (may be after doing a repetitive job or lifting any heavy object overhead)
  • Damaged joints and surrounding tissues due to osteoarthritis
  • Any kind of injury
  • Adventurous hobbies like bungee jumping, sky diving, etc.
  • Neck arthritis
  • Sudden trauma due to an accident
  • Degenerative disc disease experienced mainly by elderly people as a result of aging


  • Headache
  • Extreme difficulty while moving the neck.
  • Back pain
  • Any movement may cause muscle spasm in adjoining areas
  • Jerky movements of the neck can aggravate the symptoms.
  • Nausea, vomiting, dizziness
  • Lack of sensation or numbness in the area where the nerve is compressed
  • Sharp pain that radiates outward.
  • Tinkling or prickling sensation in the affected area. This type of pain is commonly known as pins and needles.
  • Neck pain moves towards the arms and fingers. Depending upon the location of pinched nerve, it may affect only one arm or both arms.
  • Any movement of the joint or muscles in the proximity leads to pain, for example, chewing, yawning, sneezing, coughing, can worsen the pain

The symptoms may vary from person to person, depending upon the cause, location of pinched nerve and severity of the condition.


As pinched nerve in neck causes difficulty in moving, or difficulty in any action, the situation demands quick remedies. Nerves carry information from brain to the organs and also from the organs to the brain.
Stiff neck and pain in the arms and back can make you restless. Depending upon the severity of the condition, duration of the symptoms, the doctor may order a CT scan or MRI scan or X-ray. This will help diagnose the condition.
  • You are supposed to avoid vigorous activities.
  • Applying ice or heat helps lower the pain quickly.
  • Applying an over the counter cream, balm or ointment and covering the neck with a scarf or muffler can help relieve the pain quickly.
  • Physical therapy often plays an important role in treatment of nerve pain in the neck.
  • The doctor may recommend use of neck braces or neck support collars which help immobilize the affected area and avoid worsening of the situation.
  • You may take over the counter pain killers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen, naproxen. This helps reduce swelling and pain in the affected area.
  • Depending upon what causes pinched nerve in the neck, and what are the symptoms exhibited, the doctor will decide whether corticosteroid injections should be given or not.
  • You are expected to perform gentle exercises, for pinched nerve in neck, under the guidance of your doctor. Exercises usually constitute the main part of the treatment. 
Performing back exercises every day helps stretch and strengthen the muscles in the affected area gradually. Along with gentle exercises, providing sufficient rest to the neck area is also considered as an important part of the treatment.

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  • If none of the above remedies work, then the doctor may correct the position of the nerve with the help of a minor surgery. Surgery to release the pressure on the nerve in the neck is very rarely required.
Correct and prompt diagnosis of pinched nerve in neck helps avoid further complications. You should see your doctor immediately if the pain and swelling near the pinched nerve does not go away within a few hours, or within a day or so.