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What Causes Recurring Cold Sores

Madhura Pandit
Herpes simplex virus causes cold sores. However, if you are suffering from recurring cold sores, there can be numerous possibilities for the same.
A cold sore is considered as one of the most uncomfortable conditions experienced by people. To define it in simplest terms, cold sores are lesions or blisters formed inside or around the mouth. Many times, cold sores are confused with canker sores.
It should be noted that cold sores are completely different from these. Canker sores appear only inside the mouth; cold sores can appear even outside (near) mouth. Secondly, cold sores are contagious; while canker sores are not.

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What Causes Cold Sores

The Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) causes cold sores in people. The HSV is of two types: type 1 HSV and type 2 HSV. The type 1 Herpes Simplex Virus causes cold sores, while the type 2 is the pathogen that causes genital herpes. As mentioned, cold sores is a contagious, i.e., it can be transmitted from one person to the other through direct skin contact.
There are several trigger factors that can cause the herpes virus to get activated and cause infection in the body. One of the major factor that acts as stimulant is a low immune system. Usually, children and older people have a low immune system.
Secondly, having improper diet, suffering from any infections disease or disorder, etc also decreases the immunity, making the dormant virus active again.
An injury to the mouth or injury during a dental procedure, menstruation, stress (specially emotional stress), anxiety, fever, hormonal changes caused due to menstruation, constant exposure to the sunlight, etc are also some of the other factors that may cause recurring cold sores in and near mouth.

How are Cold Sores Treated

Cold sores, although do not cause any severe health condition, should not be ignored. A person who has suffered from cold sores once is on a high risk of having to face its recurrence, due to the presence of the dormant virus inside the body.
Secondly, there are also high chances of the infection spreading to the other parts of the body like hands, legs, genitals, etc. One of the most severe complication of cold sore is that it can spread to the eye and cause vision impairment.
Secondly, as this virus infection is contagious, one should look for immediate treatment to prevent it from spreading to other people. If you are suffering from cold sores or recurring cold sores, you should consult the doctor immediately.
It is essential to diagnose the factor causing cold sores in order to treat it effectively. There are various methods of treating recurring cold sores. Initially, the doctor may advise the patient to use topical medications in order to get relief from the symptoms.
If the condition does not get healed, the doctor will advise the patient to go for anti-viral medications that are given orally. It is not recommended for people to use over-the-counter medication to treat cold sores in children as well as adults.
On the other hand, if the patient is suffering from recurring cold sores due to lack of immunity, the doctor will prescribe medication or even nutritional supplements to enhance immunity. Any other reason causing low immunity is also treated with the help of medication.
While concluding, we can summarize by saying that cold sores are caused due to the Herpes Simplex Virus type 1. The condition of low immunity in an individual is a favorable for it to take hold or recur in the body. However, remember that cold sores can be effectively treated if one takes proper and timely treatment.