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What do Constant Headaches Mean

Marlene Alphonse
Suffering from persistent headaches can not only be a discomforting experience, but also be a sign of some underlying health problem. There are several remedial measures to bring down the intensity of this distressing condition...
One of the most annoying conditions that a person experiences is headache. When pain, caused due to reasons like stress, illness etc. is felt in the forehead and temples, and which may radiate towards the entire head and neck, then this condition is referred to as a headache.
Individuals from all age groups may suffer from bouts of headache. The duration of the headache may be for a short while, whereas sometimes the pain and throbbing sensation may last for a couple of days.
Headaches are classified as primary, secondary and cranial neuralgia. A headache which may recur for more than two days, without any sign of relenting is referred to as a chronic or constant headache.
This may be a disorder or an impending sign of some health problem lurking in the body. There are different types of headaches, caused due to numerous reasons. It can be quite agonizing to suffer from constant headache, since it paralyzes the daily routine.

What Causes Constant Headaches?

There can be a number of reasons why some people experience headaches that do not seem to go away, even after trying umpteen remedies. Though distressing, getting to the root cause of constant headaches to get a cure from this health issue, should be a priority lest it takes an ugly turn and causes grave complications. Here are some of the factors which may explain what does it mean if you get constant headaches.
  • Improper rest and sleep deprivation can trigger headaches, which may begin as a mild throbbing sensation on the forehead and continue to pain for a while. Depriving the body of the much-needed rest after a tiring day can take a toll and give rise to recurrent headaches, which may begin to increase in intensity.
  • Getting tensed, or being stressed out, can also affect the body in different ways. The first sign, of course, is headache. Tension headaches are quite a common occurrence and are caused due to the muscles of the head and neck getting taut. This kind of headache is normally experienced after sitting or working in an awkward position, and also after a stressful day.
  • Eating habits and lifestyle also play a significant role in the occurrence of chronic headaches. Food allergies, eating at odd hours, too much intake of carbonated or caffeinated drinks can also affect the health of the person. This is because the body is deprived of the nutrition, required for its proper functioning.
  • Eye strain caused due to working in front of the computer for a prolonged period without any rest, or watching TV continuously, can cause headaches. The individual may also be affected due to over exposure to the sun or wearing unprescribed or out of date spectacles.
  • Sinusitis can trigger migraine headaches, which can be quite severe at times and make the person feel nauseated. This kind of headache is pounding which may begin on one side of the head or behind either of the eye. It can begin as a throbbing sensation at one part of the head, becoming worse with the passage of time.
  • Suffering from constant headaches is also a sign of some health disorders. Meningitis, i.e the inflammation of the meninges (the tissue which surrounds the spinal cord and brain) or the growth of tumors in the brain can trigger headaches. A lapse in treating these conditions can progress to become life-threatening in nature.

Remedies to Relieve Constant Headaches

There are many home remedies that help in controlling the throbbing pain and discomfort caused by constant headaches. These remedial measures are quite effective when it comes to treating chronic headaches. Listed are some of the home remedies as well as clinical treatment options to provide relief from persistent headaches.
  • Ample rest and intake of water and other fluids is the best way to get rid of constant headaches. When the body rests, it helps rejuvenate the aching muscles and hence soothes the pain and discomfort.
  • Massaging the affected region with essential oil like tea tree, chamomile, peppermint or eucalyptus can numb the pain. Even application of a warm or cold pack is helpful for relieving the throbbing pain in the head and temples.
  • There are also a few over the counter pain relievers like aspirin which help in reducing the intensity of headaches. You can avail these from any pharmacy. However, consulting the physician, regarding this matter is always advisable.
  • In case the headaches are caused by something serious like tumors, meningitis or any other illness, then the doctor may diagnose the exact condition and provide appropriate treatment.
Headaches can be a warning that something is not right in the body. Hence it is advisable not to overlook this sign and report to a health care provider if the condition persists, or if it is accompanied by other signs like dizziness, episodes of total blackout and numbing sensation. Take care!