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What Does Metallic Taste in Mouth Mean

Nicks J
How would you feel if you are unable to enjoy the natural taste of your favorite recipe? Frustrating! Isn't it? This can happen when you have metallic taste in mouth. This abnormal taste destroys your ability to relish any sort of food.
Although this terrible sensation in the mouth may go away temporarily with use of breath fresheners but may soon come back to haunt its victims. So, is metallic taste in mouth a serious issue? It is discussed here:



Pregnant women are often heard complaining about metallic taste in mouth during the first trimester. These disturbances in taste buds have been attributed to hormonal changes that are a frequent phenomenon during pregnancy.
The production of estrogen hormone increases in pregnant women, thereby triggering fluctuations in hormonal balance. This hormone imbalance may adversely affect the ability to taste food properly.


Inadequate water intake can also trigger abnormal sensation in the mouth. A dehydrated body leaves the mouth dry as well as distorts the taste. Not drinking enough water can change the taste in mouth temporarily.

Dental Problems

Poor dental health that makes a person susceptible to gum problems may also cause metallic taste in mouth. When oral care takes a backseat, quite a few dental problems are likely to erupt such as formation of plaque and bleeding gums that often interfere with the natural taste of mouth.

Dental Appliances

Dental appliances may also be a cause of metallic taste in mouth. People using dentures or those who have had dental fillings made from amalgam may also complain about constant metallic taste in mouth.

Poor Tongue Hygiene

Persistent metallic sensation in mouth can also mean that tongue cleaning is not being done properly or ignored completely. Brushing your teeth twice regularly but overlooking the use of tongue cleaners lead to buildup of bacteria. This is visible as a white or yellow coat on the topmost layer of the tongue.


Metallic taste in mouth may also be due to intake of antibiotics like metronidazole (metrolyl) that are commonly used to treat stomach ulcers caused by the Helicobacter pylori bacteria. Medications that are recommended for hyperthyroidism or hypertension treatment may also be responsible for causing this unusual sensation in the mouth.


Abnormal taste in mouth after eating pine nuts is a common complaint. This is one big disadvantage of adding pine nuts to any recipe. Just a few morsels of any snack containing pine nuts and the annoying metallic taste will keep on lingering in your mouth for the rest of the day.
Treatment will depend on what is causing this weird sensation that has badly affected the taste. Many a time the issue gets resolved with proper oral hygiene. Brushing teeth twice a day followed by tongue cleaning everyday can definitely help to get rid of this metallic taste.
Flossing everyday can be equally beneficial to get rid of this abnormal taste as it removes minute food particles stuck up between the teeth. On the other hand, gargling with water containing baking soda kills the bacteria responsible for causing plaques.
In case these home remedies fail to provide any relief, consulting a dentist at the earliest becomes imperative. Based on the findings, treatment will be suggested accordingly.