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What is Plantar Fasciitis?

Dr. Maisie M
Heel pain due to plantar fasciitis may cause limping and compensatory movements, which may affect other joints too. Treating it when it's acute is of utmost importance for a better prognosis. Read on to know more about this condition and its causes, symptoms, treatment, and prevention.
Does your heel pain as soon as you take the first step in the morning or after a long period of bearing weight? More than 70% of people with such classical signs are probably suffering from plantar fasciitis. Pain and inflammation at the bottom of the foot are the main symptoms.
Plantar fascia is the fibrous ligament below the heel bone that gets inflamed causing heel pain. Plantar fasciitis is often known as a heel spur only because of the easier pronunciation of the word 'spur'. Heel spur is the bony growth on the calcaneal bone. Due to the similarity in the site of pain, these conditions may be misdiagnosed.

Causes and Risk Factors

  • Repeated trauma
  • Being overweight
  • Occupations which demand standing for long periods of time
  • Sports activities
  • People with flat feet or high arches
  • Loss of tone in calf muscles
  • Shoes without proper cushioning


Heel pain and mild swelling in the area are the major symptoms. Distinguishing features of the pain in this condition are:
  • Stone bruise pain
  • Stabbing pain
  • Burning sensation
  • Change in site of pain
  • Pain in the early morning
  • Pain after exercise (not during exercise)
  • Pain after a period of bearing weight
  • Pain reduces after warm up
  • Pain decreases with activity but increases throughout the day as the movements increase

Other Medical Ailments With Similar Symptoms

  • Heel bruise
  • Calcaneal stress fracture
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome
  • Tendonitis
  • Plantar fascia rupture


Any pain should be treated promptly. Over a period of time, more problems are likely to emerge. Fortunately, there are many cures. These include natural remedies and professional therapies. Some of these are:
  • Proper height to weight ratio is to be maintained
  • Rest is a must to reduce inflammation
  • Appropriate analgesics
  • Application of ice on the affected area
  • Exercises for stretching the Achilles tendon, calf muscles, and arch of the foot
  • Arch supports or shoes with proper cushioning
  • Night splints to exert a mild stretch on the plantar fascia
  • Corticosteroid injections are used only in severe cases


Some easy ways to avoid this condition are:
  • Reduce weight-bearing activities
  • Shoe inserts and proper support to the arch of the foot
  • Foot exercises to maintain proper tone of the muscles
Like any other body part, your feet are important too. Taking adequate measures will help in living an easier and better life.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.