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What to Do for Pink Eye

Gaurav Shimpi
Pink eye is one of the most irritating eye infections one may experience. This story discusses all about what to do for pink eye infection.
Pink eye, or conjunctivitis, is caused due to the inflammation of the conjunctiva membrane. The conjunctiva membrane protects the eye from dirt, lubricates the eye balls, and covers the white part of the eye which is a thin, clear tissue.
It is usually caused due to bacterial infections, viral infections, or allergic reactions, and in some cases, also due to smoke, harmful gases, and foreign objects like contact lenses. This condition may be contagious in some cases, wherein the infection is acquired by bacterial or viral infection.


The symptoms may vary according to the cause of the infection, but in most cases, the symptoms tend to be obviously visible. Most people may experience some, or all the given symptoms:
  • Excessive itching of the eye
  • Excessive urge to rub the affected eye
  • Yellowish discharge of mucus from the eye, especially at night
  • Trouble in opening the eye in the morning as the eyelid gets stuck due to discharge of the mucus
  • Pain in the eye
  • Excessive swelling of the eye and eyelid
  • Burning sensation in the eye
  • Blurred vision
  • Increased sensitivity to light
  • Increased tears
  • The white part of the eye may become reddish or pink.
  • In case of a bacterial or viral infection, there may be flu-like symptoms.


Given are a few treatment options for this condition:
  • The first thing you must do is visit a doctor because though pink eye is very curable, ignoring it may lead to further complications.
  • The physician may prescribe medications depending on the underlying cause. For bacterial infection he may prescribe some oral antibiotics along with eye-drops or ointments.
  • In case of a viral infection, the treatment may include the administration of antihistamines and anti-inflammatory medicines.
  • If allergens are the main cause, then applying cold compresses for three to four times a day may help alleviate the symptoms. Avoiding any contact with irritating agents like smoke and spray may also help.

Home Remedies

Natural remedies are sometimes more effective than antibiotic eye drops and ointments. They are as follows:
  • Boil a few leaves of the herb, fennel, in water. Strain the leaves and leave the solution to cool down. Wash the affected eye with this solution. This remedy helps clear the blurred vision.
  • Aloe Vera gel may also be used to wash the infected eye since it may help reduce the inflammation.
  • Applying castor oil thrice a day may reduce the redness of the eye. Even keeping a damp chamomile tea bag on the infected eye for few minutes at night may act as a cold compress.
  • You may also place a tea bag dipped in warm water on the eyelid to alleviate the pain and irritation.
  • If you are a contact lenses user, stop wearing them until your eye heals completely.
Apart from the aforementioned tips, you need to practice proper hygienic habits to avoid this condition from spreading. They are as follows:
  • Do not to touch or rub the infected eye
  • Do not share your towel or handkerchief
  • Do not share your eye cosmetics or contact lenses
  • Keep your hands clean by washing them frequently
  • Change your pillow covers often
Studies suggest that approximately 70-75% of all cases of pink eye improve without treatment within 3 to 5 days. However, if the condition does not resolve with self care in 3 to 5 days, you must consult a doctor and take proper treatment to prevent the infection from getting serious.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.