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What to Eat for Acid Indigestion

Aparna Jadhav
Acid indigestion is also known as heartburn or pyrosis. Oily and spicy food should be completely avoided. Whole milk products like ice-cream, milkshake, etc., may also be harmful. Read this story to know what to eat if you are suffering from acid indigestion.
Acid indigestion can be caused due to overeating, irregular food habits, consumption of excess spicy food, smoking and alcoholism. Due to these reasons, there is excess production of hydrochloric acid which results in the back-flow of the gastric acid in the esophagus which is also known as gastroesophageal reflux.
Thus, if you are suffering from this condition, it is important to regulate your diet and eat only those foods which do not lead to excess acid production.

Foods to Eat

As mentioned above, eating habits, drinking alcohol, smoking, lifestyle, diseases like ulcers, etc., are some of the contributory factors for this condition. Due to all these reasons, there are a few common symptoms which are observed such as, chest pain, flatulence and loss of appetite. Since, this condition is caused majorly because of the wrong diet, you must consume healthy foods.

Vegetarian Foods

  • There are many types of fruits and vegetables which can help reduce the levels of hydrochloric acid produced in the stomach, thus reducing stomach acid reflux. However, prefer fresh items, as stale fruits and vegetables have acids produced in them as well, which might be harmful.
  • Other than tomatoes and tomato preparations, which consist of oils and cream, any vegetables are safe to be consumed. These vegetables can be fresh, frozen, canned, or cooked. Green vegetables are best for consumption as they provide energy.
  • On the other hand, citrus fruits like grapefruits, oranges, and pineapples, lemons, etc., should be strictly avoided as they are acidic in nature. You can have bananas, berries, apples, melons, plums and peaches. These have antacid effects.
  • Grains are also a great choice of foods that can relieve indigestion problems. Whole wheat foods are rich in fiber, and minerals like magnesium and potassium, thus you can eat whole wheat products like pastas, breads, etc. One can safely take oats, brown rice, barley, and other non-refined grains.

Non-Vegetarian Foods

  • There are a number of non-vegetarian food that you can consume. These are low-fat meats like chicken and turkey. These are not fatty foods and thus, they do not trigger the reflux, but red meat like beef, lamb, pork, etc., may do.
  • Fish and other sea food is an excellent replacement for red meat, as it has a lot of additional benefits, and can be used in indigestion relief. It consists of omega-3 fatty acids which is very healthy and helps in the prevention of heart diseases.
  • Among the dairy foods, it is recommended that one should consume only low-fat dairy products. These are skim milk, fat free yogurt, and other such dairy preparations. The dairy foods like milkshakes, sour cream and ice creams that are prepared using whole milk or whole cream, should definitely be avoided.
  • Excessive consumption of high fat butter and its preparations like cookies, potato chips, donuts, etc., should also be avoided as they are acidic in nature and trigger acid reflux. Avoid tea and caffeinated products.
If you suffer from this condition, make sure you follow a regulated diet as eating the wrong food can lead to a lot of discomfort.
Disclaimer: This post is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.