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When Can You Feel the Baby Move

Geeta Dhavale
Having a baby is one of the most cherished experiences for every mother, and one of the memorable moments during pregnancy is when you feel the soft, tiny kicks of your baby for the first time. Let's see what your baby really does in his own little world, inside your womb.
Every pregnant women goes through different emotions, including happiness, nervousness, fear, and curiosity. One of the most thrilling experiences are those when you start feeling the moves and actions of your baby, and suddenly you shout, "Oh! She kicked, she kicked", and your husband joins in the fun to experience the movements of his little angel.
It is indeed exciting to feel a life developing inside you, and it is a good sign that your baby is moving and responding to external stimulus.
There is no specific pattern for baby movements, and that is why, probably some women are concerned when they cannot feel their baby move. However, instead of worrying, it is advisable to consult your doctor as soon as possible to get updated with right scientific information.
We have provided you with some useful information on when can you feel the baby move, and how is the general pattern of baby movements in the womb. It would also help you to avoid some problems during pregnancy.

Some Facts About Baby Moves

Baby moves are referred as quickening in medical terms, and they are completely subject to individual experiences felt by mothers, and the developmental pace of the child. Sometimes, they are so subtle, that the mother does not even feel them, while sometimes, the movements happen for few seconds, and the mother cannot really guess what's happening inside.
So, if you are not feeling enough moves, do not be worried or concerned. A mother generally starts feeling them from around 15th-18th week, which again can differ with each woman. So, approximately from 5th-6th month, you can feel the baby move.
Some mothers have also reported to experience quickening before the 13th week. So, feeling the baby move, completely depends on the sensitivity of the mother and how much the baby actually moves.
Many times baby moves when you are sleeping or resting quietly, without any physical movement. It happens, because when you move around, your baby gets rocking effects and falls asleep. However, when you relax, that's the time for him to wake up and have fun. Sometimes, it also gets accustomed to your movements, and may stay awake when you are moving around.
From the 8th week, your baby starts developing faster and learns some little movements, like bending sideways, and moving its head, arms, and legs. By this time, he also gets hiccups, and learns to suck, swallow, and open his jaw.
By the end of the 14th week, he can yawn, move his eyes, and also tries to touch his face with his hands. This is the time when the mother can feel significant movement.

Week Wise Baby Moves

20-24 Weeks: You will probably feel your baby moving around or rotating. He will also become active during the day, making you feel the kicks.

24-28 Weeks: Your baby will respond to outside noises, such as loud music, door slamming, etc. You can feel the hiccups of the baby, somewhat like a mild jerking action inside the womb.
29-32 Weeks: At this time, you will experience the cycle of less and more movements at certain random intervals. The baby now has a little space to move, so he would make some little definitive movements at times. Sometimes, due to the cramped up situation, he may even try to stretch a bit, making you feel intense moves.
33-36 Weeks: Now your baby will start taking the ready-to-face-the-world position, that is upside down. So, you will feel the baby's head moving just around the pelvic floor at times. You will also feel the jabs of his hands and legs. When the head is completely down, you may feel the kicks in the upper side of the womb, somewhere close to the ribs.
36-40 Weeks: The head of the baby will be fixed in the pelvic floor well. His size would have been increased by now, and hence, the movements would slow down. However, you would still feel the head turning, and a few kicks in ribs. On the day of the delivery, you would experience labor pains when your baby wants to come in to the beautiful world to see you.
These were some of the details as per specific weeks, but again, it is subjective to each case. If you really feel that there is something wrong in the moving pattern of your baby, you must contact a doctor immediately. Also, check if your baby has taken the right position, and if not, ask the assistance of your doctors to get him in right birth position.
Always get the smallest of your queries and concerns resolved by your doctor immediately. Also, follow a good, balanced diet, along with mild and safe pregnancy exercises as prescribed by your doctor. Most importantly, enjoy your pregnancy, and take very good care of yourself.
Disclaimer: This is for informative purposes only and not intended to replace the advice offered by a medical expert.