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White Coating on Tongue

Ashwini Kulkarni Sule
White coating or patches on tongue, though harmless and painless, can be quite disgusting to deal with. To get rid of this undesirable condition of your tongue, go through the causes, symptoms, and treatment options given in this story.
White coating or random white patches on tongue neither hurt nor do they have the potential to induce harmful effects, yet you would rather not have them there. The reason is, they are yucky, extremely annoying and difficult to get rid of. Some people may not be bothered about it as much as others; while for some, it may become a cause of social embarrassment.


Thrush or oral Candidiasis is the most common cause of white coating on tongue. Oral thrush is mostly found in newborn babies, but sometimes, adults may also fall prey to this condition. Candida albicans or yeast is a form of fungus that infects various parts of the body.
In our body, several good bacteria dwell, which keep the growth of Candida in check. However, a course of antibiotics or other such medication may deplete the population of good bacteria.
This may lead to uncontrolled growth of Candida in mouth, especially on tongue. Tongue provides a conducive habitat for the growth of Candida. Thrush can also infect the lining of esophagus and the back of throat.
Sometimes, white coating may be due to the accumulation of dead skin cells. Just like any other part of your body, the skin on your tongue also sheds every few days. If the dead cells go on accumulating on your tongue, eventually you begin to notice white spots on your tongue. At times, dehydration may result in the formation of a white coat on the tongue. If you constantly feel thirsty, then dehydration may be the cause behind your problem.


As the name suggests, the symptoms of white tongue include a white layer on the tongue. Sometimes, white patches may be present in the inside of your cheeks, at the back of your throat, or inside the esophagus. This may make swallowing painful and also, a white curd-like substance may be discharged when you cough. Bad breath or halitosis is also mostly accompanied with white coating on the tongue.


White tongue coating is very difficult to cure completely. However, scraping it off your tongue daily, can keep it under check. Brushing your teeth is equally important. You may also try gargling with water containing Oxygen Elements. Gargle for a few seconds and swish this solution all over mouth before spitting it out. You may have to repeat this procedure at least 2-3 times a day, to notice an improvement in the condition.
Alternatively, you may also try using probiotics. Squeeze the contents of a probiotic capsule (preferably acidophilus) on a spoon, and add water just enough to wet the powder. Swallow this solution while going to bed at night. However, do not forget to brush your teeth before that. This is a good remedy, and though the results are not evident overnight, you can definitely see improvement after a few days.
White spots on the tongue can be definitely controlled, if not cured completely. Proper hygiene and limited use of probiotics may help you to keep this condition within control. If nothing seems to be working, do not hesitate to visit your doctor.