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White Mucus in Nose

Narayani Karthik
In most cases, white mucus in nose does not indicate anything severe. However, it may be persistently annoying, and may interfere with a person's day-to-day activities. This story gives you some tips on how to manage the condition, followed by a brief information on its underlying causes.
White mucus in the nose often starts with a running nose that discharges clear mucus. Depending on the underlying cause, the condition may be accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, fatigue and sinus problems.

How to Manage White Mucus Discharge

Zinc treatment

Using a gel that contains zinc in the form of swabs for nose greatly reduce the adverse effects of white mucus. Even zinc tablets can be used. Put them under your tongue and it will aid in thinning white nasal mucus.

Drink warm fluids

Whenever there is excessive white mucus generated in nose, the best way to get rid of it is by consuming warm fluids that have sufficient proteins, vitamins and minerals. Healthy fluid intake will aid in enhancing your immune system by producing antibodies and white blood cells.
Also, the electrolytes and sugars in protein rich drinks help in hydrating your body well and help in generating sufficient fatty acids and amino acids to strengthen the body's defense.

Hot showers and steam inhalation

Clogging of white mucus in nose is an indication that your body is not warm. So take a hot shower in the morning once you wake up. Then, prepare a pot of boiling water. Add a lump some amount of sea salt, crushed garlic and chopped ginger into the boiling water. Cover your head with the towel and inhale the steam for a while.
You should feel the difference by experiencing a running nose and by coughing up phlegm. This is an effective method in getting rid of white mucus.
Nose condition gets better with this treatment as salt has antiseptic properties and both ginger and garlic have antimicrobial properties. A warm mist humidifier is also a good alternative to deal with a mild condition that is not a serious upper respiratory infection.


To thin the mucus in nose, one can use expectorants (like guaifenesin) and decongestants (like pseudoepherdine).

What to avoid

Avoid dairy products, especially milk, when you suffer from congestion of white mucus. Nose condition gets better by consuming spicy food which will aid in thinning and expelling the white mucus.

What Causes White Mucus?

A few conditions which trigger the expulsion of white mucus may include:

Viral bronchitis

Thick white mucus in the nose can be caused by a prolonged infection of chest cold. This condition is caused by acute inflammation of bronchi.
If symptoms of white mucus discharge is ignored, the person might suffer from respiratory infections (like influenza). Even dust allergies are a probable cause for nasal discharge. Chain smokers suffering from chronic bronchitis often cough white mucus from nose.

Bacterial Infection

The infestation of bacteria in the sinus cavities can cause inflammation in the inner membrane and trigger the production of mucus, which is generally colorless. The change in color indicates the intensity of the infection.

Allergic Reactions

Allergies are also one of the factors for experiencing a discharge from the nose. Triggered due to pollen, dust, dander, pollution, hay fever, etc. mucus is secreted to stop the irritation in the nasal passage.

Over-consumption of milk

Dairy products do not cause mucus. But they are primarily responsible for thickening the white mucus, thereby clogging the nose.

Climatic Changes

Cold weather is also known to thicken nasal discharge. When the temperature drops to a lower degree, the cilia (tiny outgrowths which push mucus from the nostrils to the throat) in the nasal passage cease to function. This prevents the secretion from flowing into the back of the throat, which then ends up dripping from the nose.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

Gastric acids pushing up from esophagus can cause frothy and thick white discharge in nose. Further symptoms of GERD are burning in chest and stomach.

Other Causes

Head injuries, overuse of nasal sprays, or small objects logged in the nostrils.
White mucus in the nose is not a serious medical condition but can lead to some serious afflictions like sinusitis and bronchitis, if ignored. So by now you know a great deal on what is thick white mucus. Nose is, after all a sensitive organ and an important one too as it is the organ through which we breathe! So, take good care of it!

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Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.