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Why is Blood Sugar High in the Morning

Scholasticus K
If you happen to check your blood sugar levels in the morning before breakfast, you will get significantly high readings. This condition is caused by various factors which include your diet and hormones. Here we shall try to understand the reasons behind early morning elevated blood sugar levels.
There are multiple causes as to why the blood sugar level in one's body would increase in the morning. Blood sugar is the instant fuel that our body needs and almost each and every cell of our body needs it. Blood sugar is also known as blood sugar concentration or blood glucose level and is the glucose or rather the sugar which is found in the human blood.
This glucose enters the blood through the digestive tract and is processed from carbohydrates, fats, and in some cases from other sugar related compounds, or it can also be introduced directly from glucose consumption. Being the primary source of energy of the human body, glucose or blood sugar is consumed or rather metabolized by the cells to get energy.
Now most of us have heard of what is known as 'insulin'. Insulin does the function of controlling the level of blood sugar or glucose in the blood flow, and keeps it down to the requisite and bare minimum, just what is needed by the body. The recommended standard range is from 64.8 to 104.4 mg/dL. The remaining is stowed away into the body's muscles and liver.

What Causes High Blood Sugar Levels in the Morning

There are multiple reasons which can cause higher blood sugar levels in the morning. Fortunately, there is no specific medical condition which will cause such higher levels of blood sugar in the mornings. Here are some commonly probable causes of such higher levels.

Dietary Cause

The most common and also the most obvious cause that can cause the higher glucose levels, is the diet. In case of a rather hearty meal just before going to bed, especially if it was full of sweet desserts or any other sweet and glucose rich foods, it can cause high blood sugar level.
Such phenomenon can be observed in older people as the system of insulin has grown weak, or the cells do not respond to the weakened insulin production. This does not mean that you suffer from diabetes and it probably is a one time thing and would not affect you permanently, but you need to take care. It can also be observed in those suffering from diabetics. In case, if you notice any repeated symptoms of diabetes there on, rush to your physician.


Hormones are big contributors to fluctuating blood sugar levels in the human body. Stress, puberty, adolescence, extreme tension, physical pain in parts of the body, extreme exhaustion, fatigue sand other such situations tend to boost the hormone production in the body, thereby bringing in more levels of glucose in the blood.
There are 8 major hormones that affect the blood sugar levels. Insulin is the only one of these that curbs the levels of glucose. The others, namely, ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic Hormone), Cortisol, Glucagon, Growth hormones, Somatostatin, Thyroxine and Epinephrine boost the glucose levels as the body's reactions to certain specific incidents. This is usually nothing serious as it is a mere reaction of the body, and glucose levels drops down after a while.
However, if you feel any chronic symptoms or the sugar levels remain uncontrolled for a longer time period, rush to your doctor. Gestational diabetes i.e., diabetes during pregnancy can also be a cause, as it is caused as a result of the changing hormone levels.

Dawn Phenomenon

A fresh start in the morning makes the day great. The human body has been programmed to give itself a fresh start energy wise. It does this by the secretion of selected hormones such as cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine, which give you an energy boost. The secretion of hormones causes the blood sugar levels to rise quickly. After a while when your body becomes sufficiently active, the insulin curbs down the blood sugar level.
However, this usually does not happen in the case of diabetic people, as the insulin is no longer effective. Controlling carbohydrate intake before going to bed, and also controlling the levels of medication and its dosage is the best key to control the level of blood glucose and avoid the dawn phenomenon. It must be noted that dawn phenomenon is often also caused as a result of sudden nocturnal increase in the secretion of growth hormone.

Somogyi effect

Also known as the Chronic Somogyi rebound, it is a response of the body to the waning and lowered blood sugar levels. In a healthy persons this is perfectly natural as in a few moment's time, the blood sugar levels come down back to normal and stability. However this proves to be quite a problem for a diabetic as the controlling factor i.e. insulin is not fully operational in them. Managing medication and dosage properly is the best cure for this ailment.
In any situation, if you feel that the symptoms and blood sugar levels have remained chronically high, it's time to visit your doctor. Please do not delay as it can lead to serious medical emergency.