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Wisdom Teeth Pain After Removal

Gagan Dhillon
Here is a guide to everything you need to know about wisdom teeth removal, and the pain after its extraction. There are also detailed notes on the pain, and how to get relief from it.
Getting the wisdom teeth removed is every grown up's nightmare. It is followed by endless nights of sleeplessness worrying about the pain of the removal. Hopefully, when you are through with this article, you will realize tooth extraction pain isn't that bad.
So, ever wondered what exactly are these? Also known as the third molars, these teeth are the last set of grinding teeth. We have four of them in the corners of our jaw. People develop them between the age of 17 to 25; and since this is considered as the age to be wise enough, the name, wisdom teeth!
Problems occur when the teeth are impacted. Since there is not enough space in the jaw for the teeth to grow, the adjacent teeth are affected, which might lead to irritation, infection, and swelling in the jaw. These impacted teeth are extracted either by a dentist, or a dental surgeon. Another reason for wisdom tooth pain is the un-erupted teeth.
This occurs when they are still below the gum surface. In this case too, extraction is needed. If they are positioned in such a way that the neighboring tooth is affected or if it is poking into cheek, one may have to resort to tooth removal surgery. Complications with it may lead to a cyst or bleeding gums. In such cases, removal is the best treatment.


If you are going in for the surgery, your dentist may give you a local anesthesia, or a general anesthesia depending upon the number of teeth that require removal. The procedure is pretty simple. An incision is made on your gum, and the bone covering the tooth is removed followed by the wisdom tooth.
For a few days after the surgery, you may feel a few shards of bone but that will go in some time. The procedure in itself, is painless but the pain after removal is an entirely different story. After the surgical removal of teeth there are certain things that one should be informed about. They are:
  • Bleeding occurs for up to 24 hours after the surgery. In this case, it is advised to firmly bite on a clean gauze. A moist tea bag may also help.
  • Facial swelling also occurs around the area from where the tooth is removed. An ice pack placed against it can help.
  • A liquid diet is prescribed.
  • You may experience some jaw stiffness.
  • Avoid using straws to drink as a sucking action may cause a 'dry socket'. The removed tooth leaves behind a clot which protects the bone and the nerve endings. When this clot is dislodged due to excessive spitting, smoking, and drinking hot liquids etc., a dry socket is formed.
  • One should brush very softly around the operated area.
  • Painkillers and antibiotics are prescribed to help ease the pain.
The pain occurs in two phases. The first is when the tooth is coming out, and doesn't have a place to grow. As a result, it may cause infection and lead to tooth decay. Second is the tooth removal surgery itself. Especially when the jaw has to be drilled. 
The pain is one of the reasons why people fear extraction. After the surgery, the operated area hurts as a result of the normal healing process. The pain can be handled in forms of over the counter painkillers and antibiotics.

Pain Remedy

  • Rinse the mouth with salt water. Do not use commercial mouthwashes as they can cause stinging.
  • While brushing, avoid brushing teeth near the extracted area for a few days.
  • Try drugs that stop the pain such as codeine, hydrocodone, oxycodone. Please consult your physician before taking any medication to avoid the dangers of self medication.

Natural Remedy

  • If peppermint leaves are placed around the tooth, there is considerable reduction in the pain. It is necessary to place the leaves for 15 to 20 minutes everyday.
  • Place a black tea bag near the affected area to get temporary relief.
  • You can apply clove oil using cotton, to reduce the pain.
  • Gargle with warm salt water to flush out bacteria.
  • Help improve the blood circulation around the infected gum by gently massaging it.
  • One can also turn to acupressure on the webbed area between the thumb and the index finger.
  • Some people swear by chewing a freshly cut garlic covered in rock salt.
  • Ice cubes too help reduce pain.
  • Placing a small piece of cucumber on the extraction area can also help.
  • The pain can be controlled by avoiding extremely hot, spicy, or sweet foods.
To summarize, we know that wisdom teeth hurt mainly when they are growing, when they are infected causing a cyst, or after surgery due to a dry socket. The remedy for the pain is either using the painkillers, or removal. One can also opt for herbal remedies like those mentioned earlier.
Now you also know that wisdom tooth extraction pain isn't that intimidating as long as you take good care after extraction. After reading all about the procedure and the aftercare, we don't think you will fear going to your dentist in case you need to get your wisdom teeth removed.