Wisdom teeth recovery post the surgical process can be a time-consuming and painful process. Enlisted here are some solutions that will ease the process of wisdom teeth recovery.
Parul Solanki
Along with the bleeding and the pain associated with tooth extraction, there are several other complications during this healing period.
Wisdom teeth removal is a common surgical procedure. It is performed to remove the third and final set of molars for people in their late teens. In certain cases, the wisdom teeth may be in place; in many others, extraction becomes a necessity.
The most common cause of wisdom tooth removal is improper alignment, which results in the tooth being blocked by the adjacent teeth or the jawline. To avoid the tooth being impacted and to prevent any future problems, wisdom tooth removal is now a common dental practice.
However, the aftermath of this process could vary, depending on the patient's health condition. Many people develop a number of dental health problems during the wisdom tooth recovery stage.
Wisdom Teeth Recovery Problems
There are a number of problems associated with wisdom teeth extraction.
However, the most common problems are bleeding, dry socket, and paresthesia.
Dry socket is caused by the failure of the formation of a blood clot and usually occurs three to four days post extraction.
Although less frequent than dry socket, paresthesia is also caused post extraction.
It refers to the damage of the nerves caused when the impacted wisdom teeth are removed.
The nerve damage leads to further complications, like permanent or temporary numbness of the tongue, lip, or chin.
Recovery Time
Approximate recovery time after this surgery is 3 days.
This, of course, varies based on the complexity of removal process. So, a tooth lodged into the jawbone will take more time to recover after extraction than a simple extraction of a fully grown tooth.
During the first 24 hours of wisdom teeth recovery, pain, and bleeding are commonly observed.
This may be accompanied by facial swelling and inflammation, tingling, numbness, and some bruises on the jaw muscles.
While the various medication and home remedies may help soothe the pain, complete healing of the wisdom tooth may vary from around a few weeks to a few months, following the extraction.
The time of recovery varies based on the care administered in the first twenty four hours, as this period is quite critical in the recovery process.
The Healing Process
Twenty four hours post the surgery, there may be constant bleeding. To control this, you can bite into a gauze pad at regular intervals. Change the pads when they are soaked with blood. If there is persistent bleeding even after twenty four hours consult your dentist.
Lying flat on your back may further prolong the bleeding. Use pillows to lift your head up.
During recovery, swelling is a common problem. To combat this, use an ice pack on the cheeks. Use this for twenty four hours post surgery and then for the next two days place a moist heated washcloth on the cheek.
Physical exertion, hot liquids, and smoking may aggravate the condition and cause the blood clots to loosen, thus, delaying the healing process.
Rinse your mouth with warm water in which a teaspoon of salt has been added. This helps ease the pain and lessen the inflammation.
During wisdom tooth recovery period, soft foods and liquid diet is encouraged. You can have foods like pudding, soups, and gelatin post surgery.
Painkillers help ease the pain after the effect of anesthesia wears off.
After the first few days, you can start brushing your teeth gently.
After a week or so the dental care specialist will remove the stitches.
Wisdom teeth recovery may be a painful process but it is an essential part of dental care. To avoid the problem of infection, dry socket, and other complications, it is best to get the surgery done as soon as possible.
Disclaimer: This is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.