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Wisdom Tooth Growing in Sideways

Rohini Mohan
Is your wisdom tooth growing in sideways? Is it causing you unbearable pain and agony? Then it is the right time for you to get the troublesome tooth extracted, once and for all! The faster you act, the better it will be for you...
There is much wisdom in extracting a wisdom tooth, if it has begun causing trouble. Doctors are quick at advising that this tooth be removed as soon as it appears. For one, I have seen plenty of people who have had to suffer through the agony of the tooth gradually protruding out.
When we compare ourselves to our prehistoric ancestors, your jaws seem tiny, which may perhaps explain the reason as to why they needed, some extra teeth in the back of the jaw.
However, humans today, cannot accommodate this unwise tooth, much bear with its incessant tantrums. There are rarely cases wherein the tooth will actually come out in a straight angle and cause no hardship to its adjacent teeth and thus live happily ever after. No!
What it successfully manages to do, is stay half embedded under the gum and grow sidewards. Which is in actuality, a living nightmare and I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.


It's fairly simple to understand, that the wisdom teeth gets pushed inward toward the teeth or outward, toward the inner cheeks, as and when it does not have enough space to grow. The tooth pushes itself toward the direction, where there is more space, much like how plants do by facing towards the sun!
The second less fortunate category of people are those, who have had to get 2-4 of their tooth extracted, in order to rectify the alignment of their teeth, using dental braces. Third are those who have lost a few of their permanent teeth from the back of the jaw. All of which, helps to create more space for the wisdom teeth to accommodate themselves.

Side Effects

Along with it obstructing your way toward a proper mastication of the food that you eat, a protruding tooth will also display some side effects such as:

  • The initial pain experienced during the onset of the tooth is unbearable and often requires oral medication or painkillers, to numb the pain.
  • It makes the area absolutely raw and sensitive, so much so that, the mere act of clenching the jaw, can send a shiver of fresh pain in the mouth and the face.
  • It makes it absolutely difficult to eat anything solid and one has to surrender to, eating semi sold and liquid foods.
  • The sideways tooth may cut into the cheek and continue to injure the skin, whenever the jaw is used.
  • This constant cutting into the inner skin of the cheek, causes bleeding and infection, in the form of pus formation.
  • It becomes difficult to brush your teeth, as the area is too sensitive. Which is why mouthwash works the best, in such situations.
  • The tooth which is pushing toward the other teeth, often results in pushing the tooth, right adjacent to the wisdom teeth. This causes loosening of the tooth's gum and increases the chances of infection.

  • Gradually decay becomes an inevitability, if the sideways tooth is not extracted within the permissible time frame. As you get older, this troubling tooth will continue to create more and more problems. Secondly this decay will not be restricted to the affected tooth and will instead affect the teeth near to it, as well.
  • In many cases, the pain caused by wisdom tooth or multiple teeth approaching consecutively, can cause fever and severe headaches, making it almost impossible for the individual to carry on with normal daily activities.
  • It causes the outer cheek to look swollen and puffy, and causes a lot of pain and discomfort.


The best remedy available, is to get the tooth extracted as soon as it starts to cause pain. If you wish, you may wait for a week or two, in order to check, if the pain subsides. Nonetheless, if the pain doesn't seem to lessen or worse, aggravates, you must get the tooth extracted immediately.
If you have all four or two of your wisdom teeth approaching, you must get the first pair extracted. The first pair is the upper and the lower wisdom tooth, which are brought in contact with each other, when the jaw clenches.
This is the practice followed by most dentists, as it reduces the trauma of the extraction in one setting itself or in two settings if there all four teeth present.
Those who have grown wisdom teeth at a younger age, are comparatively luckier as the extraction causes minor complications. However, adults beyond the age of 25, often suffer excruciating pain and sometimes minor forms of facial nerve damage. This damage is temporary and subsides eventually. Keep a look out for your wisdom tooth growing in sideways and get it checked as soon as it begins to hurt.