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Yellowing of the Eyes

Veethi Telang
Alcohol? Jaundice? Anemia? What exactly causes yellowing of the eyes and skin? Latch into the given information to know what can be done in case your eyes begin to turn yellow.
Are you always tired and sleepy? Do you consume alcohol in excess? Suffered from jaundice lately? What else could justify that yellow color of the eyes? Perhaps, jaundice is one of the most common causes of this yellow tinge you often see in your eye whites. Your skin turns yellow as well, thereby, giving you a pale appearance.
All of this happens due to a build up of bilirubin, which is a by-product of the bile. Often, when your liver isn't functioning appropriately (maybe, due to excessive alcohol consumption), bilirubin builds up, thus, leading to jaundice, and yellowing of the eyes. But is that all? Can there be other causes of this yellow tinge? Well, in order to get an answer, you need to read the following section.


Not only jaundice, but many other health problems can lead to slight yellow color in the eyes, such as malaria, sickle cell anemia, hepatitis, and liver cirrhosis. Note that this yellowing individually, isn't an illness, and is caused as a result of serious health problems.
Other causes may include liver or pancreatic cancer, intolerance of fructose, and cholangiocarcinoma. Also, many a time, certain medications result in the yellow tint as a side-effect. Remember that this discoloration shall not always be taken casually, for it can lead to serious health troubles.


For the most part, symptoms in this case, are very basic. In the first place, appearance of yellowness in eyes often leads to itching and watery eyes. Skin becomes paler if this discoloration is caused by jaundice. What's more, viral hepatitis or enlargement of the liver are some common symptoms of this condition.
However, medical test is a must in all cases, for it is only then that one can evaluate all the symptoms and their relevant treatment.


Treatment of this condition goes in accordance with the treatment of jaundice, if at all you're suffering from it. Phototherapy is one of the most common treatments acquired, for it efficiently reduces bilirubin levels.
Many patients having witnessed yellow tinge in their eyes have switched over to consuming Milk Thistle capsules in high doses, even though they haven't exhibited symptoms of jaundice, the yellow coloration can be treated in similar manner.
Drinking lots of water is a proven home remedy to treat this yellowness of the eyes, as it helps in flushing out the toxins of your system.
Too often, yellowness that is caused in the eyes also causes urine color to be excessively yellow, which is not a safe sign. Hence, drinking lots of water proves to be of immense help in reducing the yellowness of the urine, thereby, treating problems in liver as well.
Apart from drinking water, the patient is required to stop consuming alcohol of all types, for it is immensely hard on his system. The patient can again start consuming alcohol after his eye whites are back to normal, but he needs to make sure the consumption is not excessive till he has fully recuperated.
General paleness observed in the eyes isn't taken critically by many people. Eye problems might have adverse effects on their health, and therefore, immediate diagnosis and treatment is a must.
If you notice perpetual yellowness in the whites of your eyes, do not wait for them to subside, and visit your health care provider right away. For what you might have considered as a casual symptom might just cost you your health. Not to forget, prevention is always better than cure, or so the saying goes.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.